Term 4 classes 2021
Our Term 4 class schedule has changed a little so make sure you take note of what day your course is. Bookings are essential as
1. Oktober 2021

Term 3 classes 2021
Our Term 3 class schedule has changed a little bit so make sure you take note of what day your course is. Bookings are essential
1. Juli 2021

6 Week Backfree Course Term 4, 2020
Backfree is a therapeutic approach to balance and recalibrate the body that has helped many people to get out of pain (see testimonials*). The courses
28. September 2020

Term 4 Yoga Classes 2020
It’s been an upheaval for all of us this year so let’s take the time and invest in our physical and mental health by looking
18. August 2020

Backfree Courses 2020
Based on many years of experience Darren has designed the Backfree program that has helped many people to get out of pain (see testimonials*). Backfree
18. August 2020