Teen girls Self-defence

Henni is teaming up with Peter from Karate Community in Eumundi for a one-off self-defence course for teen girls during the school holidays. The course will be an informative, interactive personal protection and personal empowerment experience and raise situational awareness.

Better habits 2024

Smash your fitness & health goals long-term 🤝 What you can expect: initial consultation goal setting & time management    your own personalised training plan  nutritional guidance learn how to implement better lifestyle choices  Henni is passionate about making your transition as smooth as possible and to make sure your progress lasts long-term!  Take time […]

Invest in your health – 2024, Term 1

Join us for our Term 1, 10-week Yoga Courses taught by Darren Evans.First class will be Tuesday, January 23. Darren’s extensive knowledge of yoga asanas and the human body make his classes extremely safe, sustainable and beneficial for all his students — a therapeutic approach.You will feel nicely challenged but very balanced and relaxed afterwards […]

Term 4 Courses, 2022

Our classes commence Term 4, 2022 Please make sure you book in time and contact us if you have any questions 🙂 5-week BACKFREE courseStarting October 3rd 10-week YOGA course Starting October 4th 10-Week Fitness courseStarting October 6th Looking forward to seeing you!

Term 4 classes 2021

Our Term 4 class schedule has changed a little so make sure you take note of what day your course is. Bookings are essential as numbers are limited. Looking forward to having you join us next term! 

Term 3 classes 2021

Our Term 3 class schedule has changed a little bit so make sure you take note of what day your course is. Bookings are essential as numbers are limited. Looking forward to having you join us next term! For more info on the Backfree course please visit the Backfree website – www.backfree.com.au