Yoga & Fitness Classes, Term 3 2023

Contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you at one of our classes 🙂
Term 4 Courses, 2022

Our classes commence Term 4, 2022 Please make sure you book in time and contact us if you have any questions 🙂 5-week BACKFREE courseStarting October 3rd 10-week YOGA course Starting October 4th 10-Week Fitness courseStarting October 6th Looking forward to seeing you!
Term 4 classes 2021
Our Term 4 class schedule has changed a little so make sure you take note of what day your course is. Bookings are essential as numbers are limited. Looking forward to having you join us next term!
Term 3 classes 2021

Our Term 3 class schedule has changed a little bit so make sure you take note of what day your course is. Bookings are essential as numbers are limited. Looking forward to having you join us next term! For more info on the Backfree course please visit the Backfree website –
Term I Class Schedule 2021

6 Week Backfree Course Term 4, 2020

Backfree is a therapeutic approach to balance and recalibrate the body that has helped many people to get out of pain (see testimonials*). The courses are designed to introduce you to the Backfree program while focussing on your back issues and / or referred pain. Wednesday nights: 6.30pm – 7.30pmOctober 21, 28November 4, 11, 18, […]
Term 4 Yoga Classes 2020

It’s been an upheaval for all of us this year so let’s take the time and invest in our physical and mental health by looking after ourselves. We would love to see you for our last term yoga classes of 2020. Please refer to “Yoga Classes” for a detailed schedule and dates of our Yoga […]
Backfree Courses 2020

Based on many years of experience Darren has designed the Backfree program that has helped many people to get out of pain (see testimonials*). Backfree is a therapeutic approach of yoga to balance and recalibrate the body. The course is designed to introduce you to the Backfree program while focussing on your back issues and […]
Term 3 Classes 2020

Our classes return to normal again for next term and we look forward to getting back into healthy routines. Hope to see you next week for a fresh start! Please refer to “Yoga Classes” for a detailed schedule and dates of our Yoga and Backfree courses –
Teacher Training 2020

Madhya Yoga is a unique approach of yoga based on years of integrating the teachings of Mr. Iyengar. Through techniques of alignment we work on balancing and recalibrating the body to attain optimum health and performance. The focus lies on the purpose and the effects of every asana for mind and body – an aspect […]